Thursday 21st June First day in Siem Reap and one where my emotional rollercoaster hit its peak. Today was also the day I realised that it's ok to cry and it relieves stress somewhat, at least it did for me. I guess when coupled with the fact that it's the halfway point of the holiday too so it kind of make the homesickness more actute amongst other things. Simply put, I don't know how others go on holiday/ travelling and use it as a form of escapism. Yes you can escape for a while but the...
Monday 18th June Unfortunately our flight was delayed so we had to rearrange a few things that we decided to do. All hope was not lost however and it worked out for the best as this day happened to be the Queen Mother's birthday which was also a public holiday. Some buildings and museums actually had different closing times due to this. We decided to chill in the hotel for a while before walking to the Sugar Palm restaurant which was five minutes away.I ordered the Fisk amok , a Cambodian dish,...
Thursday 14th June Our first day in Mumbai and I already love it more than Delhi. We decided to use the train which was straightforward and we got a five day tourist pass which was cheaper than cheap. Our hotel was located in New Mumbai and we wanted to get to Colaba which was quite a distance but the journey was around 40 minutes by train.
Friday 8th June A long journey to Jaipur. Once we arrived we went to a textile factory which was lovely and we saw first hand how much care goes into making such fabric. Everything was so affordable and because you're dealing directly with the merchant you get a much better deal. I ended up buying two throws at a really good price. Afterwards we went to a jewellery factory which was quite insightful especially for me who is a novice when it comes to cuts, diamonds and the like. Let's just say...
I came across a verse recently that really resonated with me and it is one that I am still meditating on but I have some thoughts on it now which I will share below. 3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:3-4(KJV) The first thing that caught my attention is that we are to see others better than ourselves. What if...